WIPO supports innovation in VN

An expert from the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) talks about the Enabling IP Environment project at the five-day National Advanced Training Programme on Successful Technology Licensing that began on Monday in HCM City. — Photo Thu Hằng

Nearly 70 universities, research institutions, businesses and innovation supporting agencies are participating in a five-day National Advanced Training Programme on Successful Technology Licensing that began on Monday in HCM City.

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Licensed software boosts IP rights

Gary Gan, director of the Compliance program for Asia-Pacific, BSA. — Photo ictnews.vn

Bolstering intellectual property (IP) rights enforcement, including computer software, is high on the Government’s agenda, as part of its efforts to uphold international IP rights commitments it has made.

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Online IP rights discussed in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Delegates from APEC members talk on the sideline of the 45th meeting of the intellectual property experts group (IPEG). VNS Photo Thu Ngan

Electronic filing of intellectual property applications and its efforts to join the Hague Agreement were the two experiences Việt Nam chose to talk about at the 45th meeting of the Intellectual Property Experts Group (IPEG) which opened in HCM City on Tuesday.

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